Sunday, May 30, 2004

from Like This

I have a thirsty fish in me
that can never find enough
of what it's thirsty for!
Let my house be drowned in the wave
that rose last night out of the courtyard
hidden in the center of my chest.


Saturday, May 29, 2004

Namaste Posted by Hello

Friday, May 28, 2004

8 Limb Yoga

Visualize a tree; Starting with the:

ROOTS - YAMAS - Abstinence
1.Ahimsa - non-violence, non-harm, non-killing
2.Satya - Truth; non lying, non-misleading, non-representing
3.Asteya - non-stealing
4. Aparigraha - Moderation
5.Bramacharya - non-possesiveness

TRUNK - NIYAMAS - Observances
1.Saucha - Purity
2.Santosa - Contentment
3.Tapas - Austerity
4.Svadhyaya - Study of Self
5.Isvarapranidhana - Devotion; to an inner power, higher power or God.

BRANCHES - ASANAS - Postures, the reaching out; Hatha Yoga Poses.

LEAVES - PRANAYAMA - Breath Control; breathing

BARK - PRATYAHARA - Sense withdrawal; Turning inward.

SAP - DHARANA - Concentration; focus

FLOWER - DHYANA - Meditation

FRUIT - SAMADHI - Nirvana, Being one with all; Peace, enlightenment, illumined.

Patanjali was a man who studied Yoga back sometime arguably between 600 BC - 200 AD. He took everything he learned about yoga, back at that time, and put it all together into 200 steps called sutras (short terse statements). These 200 steps can be condensed into 8 steps and visualized in the form of a tree. This is called Patanjalis 8 Limb Yoga. Patanjalis Yoga sutras are a yoga of discipline. By following these two hundred steps it is claimed that one will become a very free being. However, these steps require extreme discipline. The first sutra is... And now the teaching of Yoga begins.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

More On Desire

You follow desire, and you are not satisfied.
Again you follow desire, and again you are not satisfied.
Again you try, and again you are not satisfied.

-Lama Zopa Rinpoche, "Transforming Problems Into Happiness"

December 22, 2003

Is poetry a satisfying expression,
For me, for any
Certainly must be
We’ll see.
As I express my thoughts,
Good or bad,
Put my heart on my sleeve
It’s okay to be sad.
It’s those times when
I should put it in words,
Not voice or vibration,
Save the happy thoughts for when
There is nothing to say.
See, it is working,
I no longer have the desire
To put words down
About the thoughts that are lurking.
So I think I’m done writing,
What to do next,
I should go to bed
And be thankful for
No more fighting.

CaPow! 12/22/2003

The Present

Right now I am aware of the perfection all along my life path up to this present moment. Everything, everyone, every event has been a part of compounding elements involved in creating who I am. Happy. Positive as well as negative, wishes fullfilled and those that died, occasions attended, even those I missed, plans failed, unexpected surprises, chance encounters of every kind. They all mattered in making sure that I was right here right now.
It's not just about my location. It's more about who I am; merely a reflection of those I have loved and those who have loved me. Every thing I have seen, all I have heard as well as what I have said, my thoughts, things I was told, situations I found myself in all created who I am. Therefore I am exactly who I am supposed to be.

Love Kailash

Kailash is a secret, hidden in plain sight. For a man it can be a woman; for a woman, a man. Unless we have had too much of the opposite sex and then it can be the sex we are. Unless we have had too much of ourselves, and then it can merely be the perfect mountain. Like the one Cezanne painted as obsessively as his cronies did their lovers.

"But how far must we travel to untrain our eyes that we might behold such a blazingly obvious sight?"

Cezanne had to paint differently to prove that he saw differently, and vice versa.

"And how soon will we forget the blazingly obvious secret?"

I ask aloud of the geological proof of cubism blazing in rudimentary geometric glory. Suddenly I remember, with such clarity that tears glaze my eyes, all the times I've said "I love you. I will never stop loving you," only to lose the love. Not stop loving, no, but lose it.

"But I will never cease to love you," I tell Kailash just over my shoulder, certain enough that I'd marry the mountain if I could. But I can't. I'm a man, this is a mountain. How can a man marry a mountain? I wonder, feeling foolish suddenly, catching sight of familiar-looking human beings below. The answer comes quite simply: by holding the mountain first in your heart.

Tad Wise- Co-Author of Circling the Sacred Mountain

Monday, May 24, 2004


I am fine when I have no cravings,
No wanting, no desire,
But one thing leads to another
And I am out of control.
That's pretty much it
In a nutshell.
sex and sweets,
If I want one
I'll take the other.


Remember to Develop Your Heart

Never give up
No matter what is going on
Never give up
Develop the heart
Too much energy in your country is spent
Developing the mind instead of the heart.
Be compassionate not just to your friends but to everyone
Be compassionate.
Work for peace in your heart and in the world.
Work for peace and I say again
Never give up.
No matter what is happening,
No matter what is going on around you,
Never give up.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Step Into Liquid

O MY! Dana Brown's movie on surfing is the freakin' jump off~

Makes you want to step into liquid and get your ever lovin' glass off!

This film is so bitchin'.

-The Buddha; from the Dhammapada

Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the joy of the way.


All the virtuous deeds and merit,
Such as giving and making offerings,
That we have accumulated over thousands of aeons
Can be destroyed by just one moment of anger.

There is no evil greater than anger,
And no virtue greater than patience.
Therefore, I should strive in various ways
To become familiar with the practice of patience.

If I harbour painful thoughts of anger,
I shall not experience mental peace,
I shall find no joy or happiness,
And I shall be unsettled and unable to sleep.

-Shantideva (687-763 C.E.)

The eighth-century Buddhist master on desire's trap

Some, under the influence of desire, work like slaves.
They tire themselves out working long days
And, when they return home in the evening,
Their exhausted bodies collapse like corpses.

Some have to experience the disruptions of travel
Or suffer from being far from home.
Although they long to be close to their partners,
They do not see them for years at a time.

Some, confused about how to earn what they desire,
Effectively sell themselves to others
Even when they do not get what they want
But are driven without meaning by the needs of others.

Then there are those who sell themselves into servitude
And work for others without any freedom.
They live in lonely, desolate places
Where their children are born with only trees for shelter.

Deceived by desire, people become fools.
Some think, "I need money to support my life,"
And, although they fear for their lives, go off to war;
While others enslve themselves for the sake of profit!

Some, as a consequence of their desires,
Suffer cuts to their bodies
Or are stabbed, impaled,
Or even burned.

We should realize that a preoccupation with wealth leads to endless problems
Because acquiring it, protecting it, and losing it all involve pain.
Those who allow themselves to become distracted out of attachement to wealth
Will find no opportunity to escape from the miseries of samsara.

People attached to a worldly life
Experience many such problems, and for little reward.
They are like a horse forced to pull a cart,
Who can grab only an occasional mouthful of grass to eat.

Those who are driven by uncontrolled desires
Waste this precious freedom and endowment, so hard to find,
For the sake of a few petty rewards that are in no way rare,
For even animals can obtain them.

Our objects of desire will definitely perish,
And then we shall fall into the lower realms.
If we consider all the hardships we have endured since beginningless time
In pursuing meaningless worldly pleasures,

We could have attained the state of a Buddha
For a fraction of the difficulty!
Worldy beings experience much greater suffering than those who follow the path to enlightenment-
And yet they do not attain enlightenment as a result!


not I

I love who I am. There is no me; I am merely a reflection of everyone and event that made an impression on me, my entity. My Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, family, relatives, friends, friends of friends, coaches, associates, and lovers as well as those of short encounters along lifes path. Everything I've learned, seen, heard, felt, been told, taught, and experienced. I am simply a reflection of it all. I don't exist. We are one, all of us. There's nothing between us. We flow into one another; a collective being, body of energy. We really are one. And, we really are not the same. I love everyone... If I did not then I could not love me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I have 5 wrinkles. Read my face. I've given 4 of them names. The first is Abel, he lies accross my forehead along with Dwight and then Clinton. Fred, the deepest, is my third eye. Then there is the fifth, caused by my laughter, my wrinkle without a name. Oh, there are other lines on my face caused by stress of everyday life but these five are the ones I see. These are the effect of the cause Love. I love my wrinkles.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

I really, really, really enjoyed the movie; like none I have ever seen before. We'll call it Spring... Currently studying Tibetan Buddhism I've learned that even though you can't take something with you you can take it with you. I just go there, to that place in me, and there it is. I watch the movie. In "Circling the Sacred Mountain" when Tad said "I want to take Kailash with me" he was told to drop the "I" and the "me", for they do not even exist, let go of desire and wanting to possess, you can't take anything with you, which just leaves Kailash with. Kailash is with you. Kailash is you. It doesn't exist. That leaves with. That's not the way it went. Ha. But that's what I've got. With me. That's what I took. With. Me. What? Spring... This issue (Summer 2004) of Tricycle, The Buddhist Review, has an excellent article about the movie. What strikes me now is not what struck me at first or what will later. This is it at this present moment: "Lust awakens the desire to possess, and that awakens the desire to murder." I get it. If you have ever lusted and loved then you do too. The only thing that occurs to me is that the master planted the seed in mind of the student. Therefore the student did as he was guided. Perhaps if the master had said "to set free" the student would have more easily let go. I would have gotten that too. Alternative scenes would be good for the DVD. Yes, the more compassionate approach. And maybe let the fish and snake live. The rooster died too right? But wait; CaPow! This is life... the season cycle.


AHHHhhh... !!!
That's all.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Buddhist Symbol

In recent years of Eastern Philosophy studies I have become accustomed to repeatedly seeing lots of symbols that Hitler's swastika obviously resembles. I read a book on India that said they were the originators of this symbol. More recently in studying Tibetan Buddhism I am seeing the symbol constantly which made me want to refer back to my book; but it's in storage. So, I searched "swastika symbol origin, India" at Google and this is a piece of content from the number 1 hit:

"One popular notion holds that it is a very old solar symbol. Relatedly, recent scholarship with ancient Indian and Vedic documents reveals a legend concerning a mythical demonic semi-deity who was obsessed with world conquest and the destruction of subject people/races. His name is difficult to translate from Sanskrit, but it's phonetic rendering into English sounds something like "Putz."
-Mizta Bumpy (HERRBUMPY)"

Well Hitler got it from somewhere and considering the above it makes sense, to me. Even the phonetic interpretation to "Putz". Perfect.